Water To Wine
I hated grapefruits growing up. Not to be over-dramatic, but to literally touch a piece of grapefruit to the tip of my tongue would have induced the ever-hilliarious gagging response we witness from so many childhood videos gone viral. Today, I crave them. They are life-giving, delicious vitamin packed, immune system building, weight loss promoting, diabetes preventing, heart healthy, antioxidant rich, sweet-nectar-of-the-gods, little orbs of delight. What happened between 7 and 38? My pallet changed. I grew. I changed. I developed a dissatisfaction with the sugary, cheap, nutrient deplete, mass-produced, pre-packaged edible objects and began to yearn for something natural, simple, nutritious and beneficial.
Brian’s Zahnd’s Article “Water to Wine” begins to articulate a similar progression that many of us within american pop-culture religion can relate to. He writes about his journey from cotton-candy-christianity to a more deep and robust faith by developing a palate for the aged-wine of historic Christianity.
For more check out Brian Zahnd’s book, “Water to Wine”