April 6, 2019 - Shana Ash

Holy and Gracious God,

We thank you for the coming of spring. Let us reflect on the work you do in the depths of our hearts as we are surrounded by beginnings of new life that you bring from the depths of the earth. Like the places underground which we cannot see, you, O Lord are constantly at work in areas of our lives we don’t always know of. We are reminded of your goodness and gentleness. You make all things new.

We thank thee O Lord.

Forgive us, Lord, for the blessings we miss while being caught up with our own daily lives. We thank you for continuing to bestow on us your graces and mercies despite these flaws. Forgive us, also, for the missed opportunities to meet the needs of others while we are focused on ourselves. Let us be ever mindful of the many needs of our neighbors. Create, in us, a heart that extends physically to those we can reach and prayerfully to those we cannot.

Lord hear our prayer.

Gracious God, remind us to also love and pray for our enemies, as you had loved us when we were once your enemy. By the power of your Holy Spirit, grant us the humility and strength necessary to do these things daily and without exception.

Lord hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for those who are suffering tonight from unspeakable heartache, physical brokenness, and mental illness. Provide comfort and rest where it is needed most and extend hope through the hands of your people. Heal hearts and minds through the power of your Holy Spirit and lead all souls to you.

Lord hear our prayer.

Loving God, allow the words of the sermon today to soak our hearts and minds that we may be moved to action without fear. Remind us, Lord, of the call to be like Christ in our hearts and our works, but to leave any judgement to you, for you are ever-present and benevolent.

Lord hear our prayer.

We thank you for the Sacred Commons, St. John’s, and the community here in Youngstown. Please continue to strengthen and grow our church and community. Give us courage to continue moving forward as you have called us. For you, O Lord, are our provider, our peace and our dwelling place. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
